Periodic table of unspeakable horrors tee

Ape Lad writes, "I've got a shirt on woot featuring unspeakable horrors, phobias, and fears, from Hell to Nosferatu. I also threw in a few less traditional phobias like expired bacon and ugly undead quakers, for good measure."

Boing Boing at SXSW Interactive


Illustration: Adam "ApeLad" Koford

Headed to 2014 SXSW Interactive in Austin this weekend? Cory, Xeni, Mark, and Pesco will all be there participating in a variety of sessions. Here's a handy guide:

* Saturday, March 8, 3:30pm – 4:30pm, SXSW Create Long Center: "Cool Tools Show & Tell" Bring your favorite tool (hand tools, maps, how-to books, vehicles, software, specialized devices, gizmos, websites — and anything useful) and be prepared to talk about it and (if feasible) demonstrate it to other cool tools enthusiasts.

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Realistically-encumbered adventurers

Of the many absurdities that have become conventions in computer role-playing games, the nigh-unlimited inventory–packed with items that are not visible[1] on your character's person–is my favorite. Trained as we are to see every last scrap of leather as a potential Chekov's Gun, the results in otherwise realistic sandbox games can get … ridiculous. — Read the rest