American turncoats Steve Bannon and Blackwater founder support Putin for being anti-LGBTQ Carla Sinclair
photos Book of Monsters (1914): Early macro photography of creepy crawlies by Marian and David Fairchild Popkin
politics House Dem introduces "Eliminate Looting of Our Nation by Mitigating Unethical State Kleptocracy" (ELON MUSK) Act Ellsworth Toohey
intelligence community LOL RIP CIA: Trump's about to turn America's spooks into his personal goon squad Ellsworth Toohey
consumer rights Judge rules herbal tea purchase doesn't count as damages, personally attacks our entire lifestyle Ellsworth Toohey
psychology How an 1800s French doctor's experiments with electrocuted faces revealed science of real smiles Ellsworth Toohey
Reagan Republicans vs MAGA RINOS Ronald Reagan warns against trade wars — as if speaking directly to Donald Trump (video) Carla Sinclair
tiktok HillmanTok University is "a virtual community celebrating Black culture and creativity" Jennifer Sandlin
What MAGA efficiency looks like Understaffed airport — rather than absurd DEI excuse — to blame for crash, says early findings Carla Sinclair
Watch teenage Marianne Faithfull sing "As Tears Go By" a cappella in long-lost film scene Ellsworth Toohey
surly cult leaders A sarcastic Trump refuses to visit Potomac River crash site: "You want me to go swimming?" (video) Carla Sinclair
U.S. citizens Three members of American family thrown into Milwaukee detention center — for speaking Spanish Carla Sinclair
donald trump Donald Trump's expensive, chaotic, no good, very bad deportation debacle Jason Weisberger