world records Watch this gentleman break the world duration record for wearing a bee beard Andrea James
Delightful Creatures LAX Customs officers intercept 37 giant, live beetles disguised as snacks Jason Weisberger
methylene blue RFK Jr goes viral for squirting mysterious blue drops into his drink (video) Carla Sinclair
laughing stocks Karoline Leavitt is ridiculed for egg-price flub, sparking "Grocery Pump" Bluesky account Carla Sinclair
politics House Dem introduces "Eliminate Looting of Our Nation by Mitigating Unethical State Kleptocracy" (ELON MUSK) Act Ellsworth Toohey
health Mystery brain disease affecting hundreds in Canada: memory loss, seizures, and behavioral changes Mark Frauenfelder
takeovers Musk's "top lieutenant" living in federal agency office with wife and kid, says worker (video) Carla Sinclair
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