game theory How "God Makes God" is a 1993 CD-ROM about probability, game theory, genetic algorithms, and evolutionary strategies Mark Frauenfelder
psychology Behavioral brain teaser: Which of these buttons should you press for the best chance at the most money? David Pescovitz
psychology People have a tendency to add stuff to make something better even when subtraction makes more sense David Pescovitz
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books Cult of Personality: Two crime writers discuss the allure of cults in their own dark fiction Alex Segura
psychology The strange, mutating story of "willpower" and what we think it might be as of right now Cory Doctorow
Science Data shows that male animals are not naturally promiscuous, nor are females naturally reticent Cory Doctorow
psychology How to become better at smelling and avoiding the many varieties of bullshit David McRaney
Boing Boing Gadgets The complicated psychology and behavioral economics of a beautiful, $700 coffee-dripper Cory Doctorow