takeovers Musk's "top lieutenant" living in federal agency office with wife and kid, says worker (video) Carla Sinclair
Technology Anonymous investor pours millions into undersea community — "to live in the ocean, forever" Ellsworth Toohey
While government officials spent 5 years planning, beavers built their dam for free in 48 hours Ellsworth Toohey
crime Rationalist death cult implicated in deadly shoot-out with border guards and other killings Rob Beschizza
Science Scientists track massive asteroid with rare 1.3% chance of hitting Earth in 2032 Ellsworth Toohey
happy mutants "Humble Caveman" excoriates "Yabba Dabba Douchebag" Tempe City Council members for their hypocrisy Jennifer Sandlin
artificial humans CEO of AI company describes an industry dangerously out of control Jason Weisberger
Entertainment David Lynch forever changed my life: A filmmaker's tribute to cinema's greatest dreamer Case Esparros