Comic Books Exploring the military industrial complex of the Ultimate post-9/11 Avengers comic Thom Dunn
web theory Independent audit finds Facebook activity has fallen by 20% since Cambridge Analytica Cory Doctorow
Business Uber forces its drivers to arbitrate, rather than sue, but Uber also won't arbitrate Cory Doctorow
History History's solutions to runaway inequality: warfare, revolution, state collapse and plague Cory Doctorow
gop If Susan Collins confirms Kavanaugh, $300K will automatically be sent to her Democratic challenger Cory Doctorow
Copyfight After industry adopts open video standards, MPEG founder says the end is nigh Cory Doctorow
Business A rare class-action victory over Wells Fargo's fake accounts proves binding arbitration sucks Cory Doctorow
nfl Medical historian explores how the science of repeated head injuries was established, and then forgotten Jennifer Sandlin
music Interview with musician and artist Genesis P-Orridge Sarina Sinclair and Case Esparros with Kane Lafia
happy mutants At the Golden-Calf Slaughterhouse: an interview with Johannes Grenzfurthner Thomas Kaestle