black lives matter A US cop made an Irish "Blue Lives Matter" shirt that accidentally said "Black Lives Matter" Thom Dunn
police Boston cops clocked 9,000 hours of overtime at the "Straight Pride" parade — and none of it with body cams Thom Dunn
videos Texas high-school students can't graduate without watching a video on not triggering snowflake cops Cory Doctorow
writing "Lives found ended": Washington Post unveils new euphemism to avoid naming the dead or the ender Rob Beschizza
politics Watch Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Tim Kaine, Mike Bloomberg speeches at 2016 DNC (Video) Xeni Jardin
Entertainment A masterful long take brings True Detective to its midpoint [Recap: "Who Goes There," S1 Ep4] K.M. McFarland
happy mutants Black Code: how spies, cops and crims are making cyberspace unfit for human habitation Cory Doctorow