picks Texas indicts '3D gun guy' Cody Wilson for child sexual assault, 'Defense Distributed' founder faces 20 years in prison Xeni Jardin
propaganda DHS sent around an internal memo with talking points that were favorable to Kyle Rittenhouse Thom Dunn
coronavirus Trump has been hesitant to invoke the Defense Production Act for medical gear. But he's already used it hundreds of thousands of times for weapons and bombs. Thom Dunn
law South Carolina's magistrate judges are a clown-car of corrupt cronies, but they get to put people in jail Cory Doctorow
politics White House emails Trump Ukraine talking points around and—oops!— includes Democratic lawmakers Xeni Jardin
trumpism Leaked document shows Trump officials planning to force Americans to spend $311m-$11.8b/year to keep unprofitable coal and nuclear energy plants from shutting Cory Doctorow