music How long can you listen to this over-five-hour rendition of "The Song That Doesn't End"? Jennifer Sandlin
algorithmic art The Endless Acid Banger generates infinitely-evolving EDM for your pleasure Rob Beschizza
christ what an asshole Skynet: Trump campaigned like a crappy AI, and now he's governing like one, too Cory Doctorow
Boing Boing Gadgets Kickstarting Facets, a cool granddad's magnetic, geometric wooden building blocks Cory Doctorow
science fiction Shovel Ready: Excerpt from hardboiled dystopian thriller by Adam Sternbergh Adam Sternbergh
happy mutants Mr Unpronounceable Adventures, spectacularly weird graphic novel in a Lovecraftian/Burroughsian vein Cory Doctorow