Copyfight End software patent wars by making it always legal to run code on a general-purpose computer – Richard Stallman Cory Doctorow
crimes In newly-uncovered phone call Charles Manson admitted to murders in Mexico years before the L.A. killing spree Allan Rose Hill
mistakes National Review editor Rich Lowry blurts out "Haitian █████r migrants" in interview with Megyn Kelly Rob Beschizza
Boing Boing Gadgets Capture and view constellations, moon craters, and planets with this telescope Boing Boing's Shop
Comic Books Legendary artist Caza's "Arkadi and the Lost Titan' finally sees English release Gareth Branwyn
Boing Boing Shop Snag this exceptional deal on a MacBook Air with a "B" grade for a fraction of its retail price Boing Boing's Shop