native americans Idaho senator from Illinois screams at Native American from Idaho: "go back where you came from" Ellsworth Toohey
surveillance USPS nearly always lets law enforcement spy on Americans' mail without warrant Natalie Dressed
Kool-Aid malfunction Shocker: MAGA man actually changes his mind at a Trump rally (video) Carla Sinclair
sad sycophants Cringe! Ramaswamy so desperate for MAGA love, he let Ann Coulter belittle him for being Indian (video) Carla Sinclair
lawsuits The Stanley Kubrick biography his lawyers blocked in 1970 is finally published Rob Beschizza
MAGA madness Junior attacks Speaker Johnson and all Republican leaders: "They are not our friends" Carla Sinclair
deceptive marketing practices Downtown L.A. restaurant sneaks absurd 4.5% "Security Charge" on bills Mark Frauenfelder