privacy The new Apple iOS 14 has a ton of new privacy features. Here's how to sort through them all. Thom Dunn
Business Apple's capitulation over Hong Kong protest app isn't new; and the NBA is racing it to the bottom Cory Doctorow
apple Apple bans an app because Hong Kong protesters might use it to avoid the murderous, out of control police Cory Doctorow
china Alex Stamos schools Apple after they whine about Google revealing a whack of Ios zero-days Cory Doctorow
security Study: Popular iOS apps use 'background app refresh' to send your location and IP address Xeni Jardin
security In less than one second, a malicious web-page can uniquely fingerprint an Iphone, Pixel 2 or Pixel 3 without any explicit user interaction Cory Doctorow
Games Apple removed a teen's award-winning anti-Trump game "Bad Hombre" because they can't tell the difference between apps that criticize racism and racist apps Cory Doctorow
security Discovering whether your Iphone has been hacked is nearly impossible thanks to Apple's walled garden Cory Doctorow
music Spotify's antitrust complaint against Apple is a neat parable about Big Tech's monopoly Cory Doctorow
apple Google says it won't remove Saudi government app that lets men track and monitor their wives and domestic employees Cory Doctorow
facebook Mobile apps built with Facebook's SDK secretly shovel mountains of personal information into the Zuckermouth Cory Doctorow