indecent proposals Elon Musk offers $1 billion to Wikipedia — if they make one simple change Carla Sinclair
Copyfight 70+ internet pioneers to the EU: you are transforming the internet into a "tool for automated surveillance and control" SHARE THIS! Cory Doctorow
wikipedia Can Everipedia remake collaborative encyclopedias to be inclusive and enjoyable? Andrea James
happy mutants Jimmy "Wikipedia" Wales just launched an anti-fake-news wiki: Wikitribune Cory Doctorow
happy mutants Blender Foundation needs more help to crowdfund the world's first fully open source animated feature Cory Doctorow
Science Jimmy Wales tells "energy workers" that Wikipedia won't publish woo, "the work of lunatic charlatans isn't the equivalent of 'true scientific discourse'" Cory Doctorow
politics Open Debate launches: MA Democratic primary candidates will answer your questions Cory Doctorow
Business MPAA seeks UK sock-puppets to help them screw over TVShack's likable, innocent owner Cory Doctorow