exoplanets Why the discovery of sulfur dioxide and photochemistry on an exoplanet is a big deal Gareth Branwyn
Science Scientists detect most powerful cosmic particles ever found bombarding Earth right now Ellsworth Toohey
gadgets HP covers printer's USB port with warning sticker to make sure you don't go right ahead and use it Rob Beschizza
art Celebrating the 35th anniversary of Star Trek: The Next Generation with mixed-media meme art Gareth Branwyn
Space The Harriet Tubman Space Telescope and the Lavender Scare at NASA: What happens when a telescope zooms in on the politics of Earth? A.E. Gómez
misunderstood jokes Famous French physicist's photo of Proxima Centauri was a slice of pork sausage Mark Frauenfelder
Space This beautiful new video is our last glimpse of the James Webb Telescope as it heads into deep space David Pescovitz