police New Pentagon IG report finds that police don't need all those hand-me-downs of military hardware Thom Dunn
militarized policing Handy advice for dodging and disarming the sonic weapons used by militarized police Thom Dunn
police Hoaxer with a history of fake bomb threats SWATs and murders a random bystander over a $1.50 Call of Duty bet Cory Doctorow
crime Cops chase innocent shoplifting suspect into stranger's house, then storm it with 50-person SWAT team and blow up every room except one Cory Doctorow
authoritarianism "Less lethal" is a deceptive term to describe the weapons that routinely kill and maim peaceful protesters Cory Doctorow
eu After Madrid seized Catalonia's ballot boxes, they unveiled their secret backup stash of ballot boxes Cory Doctorow
surveillance West coast jurisdictions advance community oversight of police surveillance Shahid Buttar
carceral state The case for getting rid of America's corrupt, expensive, barbaric prisons Elías Villoro
police brutality U.S. policing budgets would rank as the world's third-highest military expenditure Rob Beschizza
police Police militarization is objectively bad for police and for society, according to science Thom Dunn
law In 1968, the Supreme Court gutted the Fourth Amendment, certain that it would all work out in the end. It didn't. Cory Doctorow
Copyfight Minneapolis police are abusing copyright law to censor their controversial 'shoot-first' recruiting video Cory Doctorow