books Snowden's Box: the incredible, illuminating story of the journey of Snowden's hard drive Cory Doctorow
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meltdown What Ken Thompson's seminal (terrifying!) "On Trusting Trust" tells us about the Spectre and Meltdown bugs Cory Doctorow
security Hiding malware in boobytrapped replacement screens would undetectably compromise your mobile device Cory Doctorow
Business It's surprisingly easy to set up a convincing, highly regarded fake online business Cory Doctorow
mushrooms Google AI just might kill you: it misidentified a Destroying Angel mushroom as an edible"button mushroom" Mark Frauenfelder
walt whitman Happy Easter! Read most every surviving scrap of paper Walt Whitman wrote on in the Whitman Sampler Natalie Dressed
television Ain't it Fun: new graphic novel reveals the untold story of Cleveland's punk music scene Lee Keeler