Business A year after Meltdown and Spectre, security researchers are still announcing new serious risks from low-level chip operations Cory Doctorow
security Son of Spectre: researchers are about to announce eight more Meltdown-style defects in common microprocessors Cory Doctorow
security AMDFLAWS: a series of potentially devastating (but controversial) attacks on AMD processors Cory Doctorow
infosec 139 pieces of (seemingly nonfunctional) malware that exploit Spectre and Meltdown are now circulating in the wild Cory Doctorow
meltdown What Ken Thompson's seminal (terrifying!) "On Trusting Trust" tells us about the Spectre and Meltdown bugs Cory Doctorow
class war Astounding coincidence: Intel's CEO liquidated all the stock he was legally permitted to sell after learning of catastrophic processor flaws Cory Doctorow
security Virtually every modern computer is vulnerable to a pair of devastating attacks, and there's only a fix for one of them, and it sucks Cory Doctorow
bundle of nerves CNN's MAGA snowflake Scott Jennings melts down when Democratic panelist gets too close: "Don't touch me!" (video) Carla Sinclair
Trump toadies Poor Rudy Giuliani melts down over new penniless status: "I have no credit card! I have no cash!" (video) Carla Sinclair
politics Furious judge threatens Giuliani with contempt over $148M judgment stalling Ellsworth Toohey
politics Giuliani defies court order, claims radio show more important than his defamation victims Ellsworth Toohey
donald trump Giuliani's courtroom meltdown: Judge mutes MAGA stooge during sexual harassment case Ellsworth Toohey
cybersecurity 23andMe's meltdown: How to protect your DNA from falling into wrong hands Ellsworth Toohey