late stage capitalism Manhattan: a city of empty luxury condos and overflowing homeless shelters Cory Doctorow
uk The Chinafication of the internet continues as the UK proposes blocking any service that hosts "illegal" or "harmful" material Cory Doctorow
late stage capitalism The weird grift of "sovereign citizens": where UFOlogy meets antisemitism by way of Cliven Bundy and cat-breeding Cory Doctorow
canada Canadian scolding of Saudi Arabia's human rights violations means nothing if they continue to sell them weapons Séamus Bellamy
happy mutants Weaponized narrative: the stories we tell change our theories about the world Cory Doctorow
security This dump of Iphone-cracking tools shows how keeping software defects secret makes everyone less secure Cory Doctorow
Business In a leaked "weaponized information" catalog, Indian cyberarms dealer offers blackest-ever SEO Cory Doctorow