late stage capitalism Wells Fargo union statement on worker who died at her desk and went unnoticed for four days Jennifer Sandlin
aloof business practices Arizona woman dies at Wells Fargo while working at her desk — but nobody in the building notices for 4 days Carla Sinclair
crime "A piece of shit": Government report on Wells Fargo corruption shows top executives' direct complicity in millions of acts of fraud Cory Doctorow
crime Wells Fargo's ex-CEO will pay $17.5m in fines and never work in banking again (but he is still very, very rich) Cory Doctorow
Democrats Elizabeth Warren proposes holding execs criminally liable for scams and data breaches Cory Doctorow
corruption Wells Fargo blames "computer glitch" for its improper foreclosure on 545 homes Cory Doctorow
Business Wells Fargo: We can't be sued for lying to shareholders because it was obvious we were lying Cory Doctorow
corruption Wells Fargo cuts 26,500 jobs, shutters branches, declares "excess capital" and drops $40.6 billion on stock buybacks Cory Doctorow
wells fargo Wells Fargo closes account of Florida candidate for saying she'd take donations from medical marijuana industry Mark Frauenfelder
corruption Wells Fargo: we stole houses and we're being investigated for dirty low-income housing credits Cory Doctorow
happy mutants Wells Fargo loses teachers' union business after it pledges its eternal loyalty to gun manufacturers Cory Doctorow
finance Wells Fargo: fyeah, we're going to lend money to gun manufacturers, now stfu before we shoot you Cory Doctorow
Business Wells Fargo admits it ripped off its customers, creates low-response-rate opt-in system for its victims to get paid back Cory Doctorow
Business Wells Fargo's punishment for fake account scandal: no more growth until Fed is "satisfied" Cory Doctorow