In a federal court filing making the rounds on Thursday, the office of special counsel Robert Mueller says the evidence seized from Roger Stone's residences is "voluminous and complex," and includes computer storage devices that contain "terabytes" of data representing decades of communication records from Stone's numerous mobile devices and online accounts.
His bank records, his text messages, and I'd imagine his passwords or encryption keys. This is only the beginning of what the feds will unlock, and what we will learn about Stone's activities.
It's likely that much of Stone's online or other telecommunications breadcrumb trail has already been snarfed up via providers.
But note this: if our initial read of reports is correct, and the haul from this week's raid of Stone's residences has yielded "terabytes" of mostly emails and texts? That's a lot of emails and texts.
From NBC News:
Robert Mueller's prosecutors, in a new court filing, described the evidence as "voluminous and complex" in asking a judge to delay his trial to give them more time to sift through the seized devices.
The court papers said investigators grabbed hard drives containing several terabytes of information, including "FBI case reports, search warrant applications and results (e.g., Apple iCloud accounts and email accounts), bank and financial records, and the contents of numerous physical devices (e.g., cellular phones, computers, and hard drives)."
The FBI is doing what it calls a "filter review" of the devices, setting aside any evidence that cannot be admissible in court because it is considered privileged.
During a press conference Thursday, Stone agreed that evidence is voluminous and complex, and said both parties had agreed to the language in the government's filing.
For context., Mueller likely already had almost all this stuff by serving subpoenas on the telecoms and tech providers and getting everything that crossed their servers or was stored in the cloud. via @nbcnews
— Ken Dilanian (@KenDilanianNBC) January 31, 2019
NEW: Mueller confirms he'll be turning over to Roger Stone's lawyers via discovery "the contents of physical devices recently seized from his home, apartment, and office," which are "currently undergoing a filter review by the FBI for potentially privileged communications."
— Darren Samuelsohn (@dsamuelsohn) January 31, 2019
More evidence of confidence among co-conspirators that Trump would be elected: "A court filing by Mueller on Thursday said prosecutors had seized 'voluminous & complex' material including 'multiple hard drives containing several terabytes of information.'"
— Melissa McEwan (@Shakestweetz) January 31, 2019
Mueller's office also confirms in the filing that it recently seized electronic devices from Stone's home, office and apartment.
— Brad Heath (@bradheath) January 31, 2019