Aaron von Ehlinger, a Republican lawmaker who represented Lewiston in Idaho's House of Representatives, must serve at least 8 years of a 20-year prison sentence before receiving parole. Von Ehlinger was convicted in April of raping a teenage intern, and the judge was sharply critical of his lack of remorse.
The judge said von Ehlinger failed to show empathy or remorse, and that it was clear he was not ready for sex offender treatment. The sentence would at least deter von Ehlinger from committing another crime while he is incarcerated, Reardon said. "You have a pattern of explaining, excusing, deflecting and blaming others for the circumstances you find yourself in," Reardon said.
Von Ehlinger sounds like a man for the season, at least when it comes to how the GOP does business:
Von Ehlinger's supporters publicized Doe's name, photo and personal details about her life after she reported the rape, and repeatedly harassed her.