Collapsing in the polls, abandoned by donors and spending unsustainable sums of money, the presidential campaign of Ron DeSantis is falling apart. Built entirely around culture war horseshit, it finally derailed last week with an ultra-online bluecheck-bait ad that likened him to "American Psycho" Patrick Bateman. This character's murderous ramblings are so unlikely you end up suspecting he might just be a peurile, misogynistic fabulist–and the other one is from a Bret Easton Ellis novel.
NBC News reported Saturday night that DeSantis had fired about a dozen campaign staffers yesterday to help cut costs as it became clear he was burning through far too much money to last the campaign, and without much to show in the way of results. DeSantis donors seem unhappy with his progress. "Yeah, there are people grumbling about it, no doubt," one unidentified donor told NBC. "There is an overall sense, including with me, that he just has not ignited the way we thought he would." Campaign finance filings released Saturday showed DeSantis with a bloated campaign staff relative to other GOP contenders. Trump reported 40 people on staff, while former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley reported 22. The DeSantis campaign is also suffering from a dearth of small donors. Campaign finance reports indicate that only 14 percent of his contributions came from small donors, who gave just under $3 million to the DeSantis campaign.
Right up there with Scott Walker in the pantheon of candidates that the floating world thinks is the next big thing, but who turns out to be viscerally disgusting to normal people.