Mike Johnson's hypocrisy highlighted in MSNBC's latest video

In MAGA Land, hypocrisy is an art. The denizens compete with one another to see who can be the most deceitful charlatan in service to their god-emperor, Kandy Korn Kaligula.

House Speaker Mike Johnson, the self-described Moses of MAGA land, is an envied and blatant hypocrite. His rivals loudly praise his sanctimonious insincerity, barely able to restrain themselves from gnashing their teeth as they silently seethe with incandescent jealousy.

Yesterday, MSNBC assembled a video titled "Johnson vs. Johnson: Republican Speaker Shreds His Own Argument for Biden Impeachment," which is a prime example of why Rep. Johnson is one of MAGA land's best hypocrites.

Four years ago, Democrats were moving to impeach Donald Trump for withholding aid to Ukraine to gain political leverage. At that time, Rep. Johnson opposed Trump's impeachment, emphasizing the Founding Fathers' warnings against single-party impeachments for the potential of bitterly dividing the nation.

The MSNBC video shows multiple instances of Rep. Johnson saying, "The Founding Fathers warned against single-party impeachment. They said it would be bitterly divisive, perhaps irreparably divisive for the country."

Rep. Johnson also cautioned against impeachment proceedings close to an election year, suggesting the people should decide in the upcoming election.

However, currently 11 months before another presidential election, MAGA Moses is advocating for a single-party impeachment of President Biden. The House Republicans have passed an impeachment resolution through the Rules Committee with plans for a full House vote, despite not finding any conclusive evidence of wrongdoing by Biden.

Anyone can be a hypocrite, but most pollute their hypocrisy by trying to explain their contradictory statements or behavior. Not Rep. Johnson. He is blatant, unapologetic, and without shame.