Dudolf's adorable seek-and-find drawings hurt my brain

Gergely Dudás, aka Dudolf, creates seek-and-find drawings that are both endearingly cute and infuriating. I first found them as static drawings, where you click through to see the solution. Recently, I discovered that many of these puzzles are turned into videos, adding the element of a time limit. I confess that I'm not the best at these, and pausing feels like cheating, so the videos are torture for me. 

Finding bananas among a hoard of Minions is a representative sample of the fiendish things Dudolf likes to do. 

The answer is no. I could not find the queen bee. But look at how cute the bees are.

Also, TIL that Eastern Europeans do not grow up eating peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.

Previously: This animated short about a horse is adorable, existential, and relatable