The State of Texas, with its cruelty unleashed by the Supreme Court and Donald Trump, has made it so hard for a pregnant woman to get medical care that eighteen-year-old Nevaeh Crain has died.
This report from ProPublica shows us how bad things have gotten already. The doctors did so much covering their asses here, backed into corners, and fearing for their licenses and personal safety, a pregnant teenager lost her life after three emergency room visits. This paradise was created by "giving the decision to the states." Regardless of how the Republicans duck and weave, it always turns out that behind closed doors, they support a nationwide ban.
Hours later, she was dead.
Fails, who would have seen her daughter turn 20 this Friday, still cannot understand why Crain's emergency was not treated like an emergency.
But that is what many pregnant women are now facing in states with strict abortion bans, doctors and lawyers have told ProPublica.
"Pregnant women have become essentially untouchables," said Sara Rosenbaum, a health law and policy professor emerita at George Washington University.
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• A man confessed to raping a 10-year-old girl after Republicans said the story was fake