Lady's hair creates hilarious Muppet illusion

I'm a big fan of pareidolia, which is essentially when something accidentally looks like something else. I've seen faces in electric sockets, fruit that is shaped like human fingers, and trees that look like they have eyes on them. I have yet to see, though, a lady who's hair looks like the face of a muppet.

This hilarious photo is captioned "Guess I've had too much caffeine…I thought this lady was a Muppet." The womans pulled back hair, headband placement, and sunglasses atop her head make it look like she has two muppet eyes and a mouth staring at you when she bends her head down. She has no idea, either.

All I can say is good thing this person was on caffeine and not something more mind bending. I could see this being a recipe for disaster if someone were on a psychedelic substance when they saw this lady's muppet head. This is definitely my favorite pareidolia that I've seen in a while.

See also: Girl with approximately 150 'Bunchems' snarled in her hair