US Senate passes CISA, a very bad spying bill dressed up as a cybersecurity bill

CISA won't make you and I any more secure, and it threatens what's left of our online privacy. The very helpful sounding "Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act" will definitely help the government, though: it'll make it a lot easier for technology companies to share your personal data with the government, and everyone knows that this data never ends up in the wrong hands, so you're fine. — Read the rest

Army dudes in yoga poses: now an article of commerce

Yoga Joes started life as a wonderful, weird Kickstarter to produce a set of nine "Green Army Men" in yoga poses; having raised over $100K in direct sales at $20/set ($10 for military personnel) Brogamats is now selling them in retail channels at a $28 premium, for all nine: "headstand, meditation pose, cobra pose, warrior one, warrior two, child's pose, tree pose, crow pose, and downward-facing dog." — Read the rest

Help wanted: anti-terrorism intern for Disney

The job-posting has expired, so presumably The Walt Disney Company found an enthusiastic team player with "superior writing and research skills" and "effective use of the open source and the internet resources" with international experience and a BA in International Relations, Political Science, Global Security Studies, National Security or Regional/Cultural/Area Studies.

Volkswagen CEO: Dieselgate caused by Lynndie England "rogue engineers"; execs blameless

Remember Lynndie England, the 21-year-old low-ranking Army Specialist who, along with ten other low-ranking Army personnel, was determined to be responsible for years of systematic torture in Iraq's notorious Abu Ghraib prison, thus letting the entire Army chain of command off the hook for any wrongdoing in one of the worst scandals of the unbelievably scandalous Iraq War?

Playful, pacifist IEDs

Sculptor Petros Eftstathiadiadis makes these "pacifist bombs" as a commentary on the Greek political/economic situation, constructing them from materials chosen to seem absurd, playful and harmless. Despite that, a few of these look somewhat alarming to me, possibly because of
Eftstathiadiadis's (admirable) lack of knowledge about antipersonnel weaponry — the soap immediately makes me think of jellied gasoline, for example.