trump Watch Trump supporter who doesn't believe Trump actually had the COVID-19 vaccine David Pescovitz
COVID-19 Arnold Schwarzenegger to anti-maskers: "Screw your freedom … you're a schmuck" Carla Sinclair
anti-vaxxers Kimmel rounds up doctors to give anti-vaxxers a pep-talk, and they sure don't hold back! Carla Sinclair
Science Buzzkill: Fauci and others no longer discuss herd immunity. "It's off the table" says one expert Carla Sinclair
News Anti-vaxxer invited by Senate Republicans to testify before Homeland Security Committee on Tuesday Xeni Jardin
crime "Officer, you don't want to do that." — Idaho mom arrested for COVID-19 'Playdate Protest' Xeni Jardin
trump Russia's health disinformation campaign against U.S. has been going on for 10+ years — NYT Xeni Jardin
public health Why did Facebook block pro-vaccination ads and run anti-vaccination ads? Money! Mark Frauenfelder
health Anti-vaxxer escalates from wishing children dead to threatening to kill adult lawmakers Xeni Jardin
vaccines Antivax GOP Kentucky governor exposed his kids to chickenpox on purpose so they'd get sick Xeni Jardin
anti-vaxxers Unvaccinated high school student is suing the health department for banning him from school during a chicken pox outbreak Carla Sinclair
health Small number of Facebook Pages did 46% of top 10,000 posts for or against vaccines Xeni Jardin
anti-vaxxers When teen defies anti-vax parents and gets shots, his mom says it's a "slap in the face" Carla Sinclair
parenting In California, an underground network of anti-vax doctors will write your kid a medical exemption letter to get them out of their vaccinations Cory Doctorow