privacy Vast majority of porn sites use Google Analytics and Facebook embeds that track you, even in incognito mode Cory Doctorow
Business Chrome-derived browsers threaten to fork from Google, refuse to eliminate ad-blocker features Cory Doctorow
human rights North Korean escapee makes heartfelt plea to Trump to hold Kim Jong-un accountable for his atrocities Rusty Blazenhoff
war Iraq and Afghanistan veterans to return their medals to protest war on terror at Chicago NATO summit this weekend Cory Doctorow
Boing Boing Gadgets GOP's Adam Kinzinger doesn't want Biden pardon — says he'll fight Trump "from my jail cell" (video) Carla Sinclair
Funny Ridiculous body cam footage of Alabama police officer chasing wayward rooster in church parking lot Allan Rose Hill
I am the ambassador of kick your ass-itor Werewolf aspirant Herschel Walker nominated US ambassador to The Bahamas Jason Weisberger
Boing Boing Gadgets These $30 wireless headphones let you jam more safely without blocking ambient sound Boing Boing's Shop
recipes How to make Elvis's famous Fool's Gold sandwich: The King's 8,000-calorie obsession Ellsworth Toohey