law America's surveillance court rubber-stamped every single surveillance warrant in 2015 Cory Doctorow
corruption Canarywatch: fine-grained, high-alert system to detect and reveal secret government snooping Cory Doctorow
surveillance Secret spy spy court demands government transparency on surveillance programs Xeni Jardin
Business Lavabit's owner threatened with arrest for shutting down rather than spying on customers Cory Doctorow
corruption Secret rulings from America's shadow Supreme Court legalizes spying in one-sided hearings Cory Doctorow
Fooling no one Albanian developers think Jared and Ivanka are peddling Trump's influence Jason Weisberger
police People who gave money to scam school run by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement can sue government Rob Beschizza
News Securus Technologies loves charging exorbitant fees for families to talk to incarcerated loved ones Yoy Luadha
mistakes Owner of exploded building arrested getting ready to board one-way flight out the country Rob Beschizza
law Kansas cops love confiscating cash and property. A new law forces them to declare what they take. Rob Beschizza