politics FBI investigating security of Hillary Clinton's emails, and thumb drive they're stored on Xeni Jardin
gained in translation Non-Chinese politicians in Canada give themselves Chinese language names for campaigning John Struan
elections DNC's new rules: cutting superdelegates from 715 to 315, making their votes reflect the wishes of their states Cory Doctorow
Could TV's current acceptance of powerful women help pave the way for Hillary Rodham Clinton's campaign? Xeni Jardin
Michelle Obama's subtle feminist fashion statement sends an empowering message to girls and women worldwide Caroline Siede
Copyfight Hilary Clinton tells world leaders, "hands off the Internet"; US government prepares its own censorship regime Cory Doctorow
politics Wikileaks' massive cable leak expected today: Wikileaks.org "under attack," Der Spiegel out early Xeni Jardin
Technology TSA roundup: pilots get exception, Obama response, Clinton "wouldn't submit," Al Qaeda moves on Xeni Jardin