hankerings An 8-year-old girl wanted a Frappuccino — so she drove a car 13 miles to get one Carla Sinclair
Boing Boing Gadgets It's your last chance to give your bed a five-star hotel upgrade with these sheets! Boing Boing's Shop
Space NASA's Voyager 1 completed tricky thruster swap at 38,000 mph to stay in touch with Earth Allan Rose Hill
delightful creatures Hilarious chicken has ulterior motive when she "protects" kitties' food from the house dog (video) Carla Sinclair
Fooling no one Albanian developers think Jared and Ivanka are peddling Trump's influence Jason Weisberger
pennsylvania Pinnacle Man, found dead in cave 47 years ago, finally identified as Nicholas Paul Grubb Rob Beschizza
Pence says he won't vote for Trump, not because he wanted Pence hanged, but because Trump's not conservative enough Mark Frauenfelder
aloof business practices Arizona woman dies at Wells Fargo while working at her desk — but nobody in the building notices for 4 days Carla Sinclair
bureaucratic communication From "Iraqi head seeks arms" to "Kids make nutritious snacks": Epic headline fails Yoy Luadha
Science Mysterious and spooky sounds of the forest may be coming from the sky not the trees Allan Rose Hill
Instagram fool damages 6,000-year-old cave art for likes, faces wrath of Spanish authorities Ellsworth Toohey