It's the freakiest show Puddles Pity Party lovingly covers David Bowie's 'Life on Mars' Rusty Blazenhoff
memes Tintin and Haddock "What a week, huh?" meme updated every day, week, month and year Rob Beschizza
travel safety Trump fires "hundreds" of FAA workers — hours before yet another deadly plane crash Carla Sinclair
videos Man legally becomes best friend's grandfather to get revenge over a petty text Grant St. Clair
politics A Dark Enlightenment paradise in Honduras has devolved into a massive legal battle Ellsworth Toohey
Science Explore Saturn and more: view solar system objects across time with the solar system simulator Popkin
Boing Boing Gadgets Finally, a tracker that doesn't create an awkward bulge like the AirTags do Boing Boing's Shop
censorship New Kennedy Center leadership censors award-winning musical about a sparkle-loving shark Thom Dunn