courts Person lost in Ikea for three hours after getting bonked on the head by a flat-packed dresser David Pescovitz
books Lost nearly had a completely different leader, who probably wouldn't have grown a beard Jamie Frevele
Disney New Disney+ TOS can force ads on "ad-free" subscribers, but that's not the worst part Thom Dunn
texas United Airlines plane catches fire, forcing passengers to evacuate in Houston (video) Carla Sinclair
Oops "Terrified" hikers rescued from Scotland's 2nd highest mountain — hours after turning rescuers away Carla Sinclair
Boing Boing Gadgets I'm an Apple fan, but I'm sick of my AirTag's awkward design—here's what I replaced it with Boing Boing's Shop
Watch teenage Marianne Faithfull sing "As Tears Go By" a cappella in long-lost film scene Ellsworth Toohey