Florida McDonald's customer threatens Lyft riders with a gun — but accidentally shoots her daughter instead Carla Sinclair
uber Uber and Lyft say they'll leave Minneapolis rather than pay drivers its new minimum wage Rob Beschizza
lyft I reported a passenger for farting in our shared Lyft and now we've been officially un-paired from Lyft forever (supposedly) Thom Dunn
Business Lyft said their names are offensive. Candice Poon, Cara Dick, and Mike Finger disagree. Xeni Jardin
eulas Want a ride in a Lyft? Just sign away your right to sue if they kill, maim, rape or cheat you Cory Doctorow
class war Uber general counsel threatens California: pass a law that makes drivers into employees and we'll spend $60m on a ballot initiative to overturn it Cory Doctorow
class war Rideshare companies' effort to kill California employment bill is failing miserably Cory Doctorow
picks Uber and Lyft slashed driver pay in recent years more than publicly reported: Report Xeni Jardin
Business Uber projected $8b in losses for 2019, but it just booked $5.2b in losses in a single quarter Cory Doctorow
Business Now that Uber and Lyft are public, their inevitable financial collapse is much clearer Cory Doctorow
Business The empirical impact of Lyft and Uber on cities: congestion (especially downtown, especially during "surges"), overworked drivers Cory Doctorow
privacy New York City's new rideshare regs put Big Brother in backseat, give GPS tracking a whole new meaning Albert Fox Cahn