News How American singer-songwriter and record producer Maggie Rogers detoxed from the addictive drug of fame Yoy Luadha
music Watch Pharrell Williams' stunned reaction to hearing Maggie Rogers' music in a 2016 NYU critique session: "It's like when the Wu Tang Clan came out." Jennifer Sandlin
Old school Indie musician Maggie Rogers sells concert tickets 'like it's 1965,' in-person Rusty Blazenhoff
David Byrne Watch David Byrne and Maggie Rogers dancing in synch to "Strange Overtones" Jennifer Sandlin
trumpism Grifty conservative PACs raised millions pushing racist Obama conspiracies to elderly, low-income supporters, then kept almost all of it Cory Doctorow
Science Before the Lights Go Out: Maggie's energy book is thoughtful, timely, necessary Cory Doctorow