books BOOKS: 'Risk Forward: Embrace the Unknown and Unlock Your Hidden Genius', by Victoria Labalme Xeni Jardin
machine learning engineers How Chase froze $180k and left a tech consultant scrambling Mark Frauenfelder
crimes Man sentenced to life for killing friend who he believed was summoning Bigfoot to eat him Allan Rose Hill
Delightful Creatures Lazy Dalmatian will only take a walk if a rotisserie chicken joins in (video) Carla Sinclair
elon musk Tesla's simpering chairperson insists Musk really deserves this $56 Billion Jason Weisberger
personal finance In 1995, Patrick Combs deposited a fake junk mail check for $95,093 and the bank cleared it Mark Frauenfelder
Boing Boing Shop Explore aerial photography and get two drones for one now for just $149.99 Boing Boing's Shop
documentaries "Open Wide" tells the history of the "mewing" TikTok trend, through a deep dive into the controversial practice of orthotropics and its evangelists, John and Mike Mew Jennifer Sandlin