Argentine tegu lizard Pork Chop, a pet lizard, is reunited with his owner after a five-day escape Jennifer Sandlin
illegal pets Colorado man dies after his pet gila monster bites him — an extremely unusual reaction Carla Sinclair
biology Iron Maiden is popular among biologists and taxonomists, so they just named a new lizard species after frontman Bruce Dickinson Jennifer Sandlin
chameleons First-ever footage of a chameleon's psychedelic explosion of color just before her death (video) David Pescovitz
fish Aggressive, carnivorous, air-breathing, land-walking invasive fish spotted in Louisiana Jennifer Sandlin
animals Hunting competition where children try to kill as many feral cats as possible David Pescovitz
happy mutants Listen up: you really owe it to yourself to read 15 Vlad Taltos novels, seriously Cory Doctorow
cancelled events Guggenheim submits to pressure from animal rights activists over graphic animal art Robert Spallone
happy mutants A new edition of Daniel Pinkwater's happy mutant kids' classic, "Lizard Music" Cory Doctorow