pranks Police and animal control officers discover that dangerous snake loose inside home was something else Allan Rose Hill
pranks Children terrified by parent prowling around schoolyard in Pennywise clown costume (not on Halloween) Allan Rose Hill
menacing mail Packages of suspicious white powder sent to election officials in 6 states Carla Sinclair
conspiracy-driven campaigns Paranoid Trump staffers find a plastic toy — call police thinking they are "bugged" Carla Sinclair
pranksters Young DNC attendee trolls JD Vance — and pranks MSNBC — with couch joke (video) Carla Sinclair
dangerous pranks Food cans are dropping from top of 23-story building in Portland, nearly hitting people as they walk by Carla Sinclair
News Televised stunt reveals MAGA's cult-like defense of fake depraved Trump recordings Mark Frauenfelder
passive aggressive techniques Gentleman gives rude drivers a piece of his mind without going into Karen mode (video) Carla Sinclair
Congressliar turned Cameo hustler Jimmy Kimmel "pranks" George Santos — or is it the other way around? (video) Carla Sinclair