Business Fedex bought a company that stored 119,000 pieces of scanned customer IDs in a public Amazon cloud server, shut the company down, left the scans online for anyone to download Cory Doctorow
Business Chinese Apple employees and contractors sold users' private data for as little as $1.50 Cory Doctorow
crime India's controversial national ID scheme leaks fraud-friendly data for 130,000,000 people Cory Doctorow
wikileaks Wikileaks' dump of "Erdogan emails" turn out to be public mailing list archives Cory Doctorow
corruption Security researcher discovers glaring problem with patient data system, FBI stages armed dawn raid Cory Doctorow
Business Bankrupt Radio Shack will sell the customer data they promised to keep private Cory Doctorow
Science Your brain is much, much, MUCH slower than your Internet connection, new study shows Allan Rose Hill
economics Why humans crave expensive things just because they're expensive: The science of Veblen goods Ellsworth Toohey
Monkey unable to type all of Hamlet before the universe ends but could type "bananas" before it dies Allan Rose Hill