Boing Boing Gadgets Here's how to keep up with your 2025 resolution to learn a new language: Babbel Boing Boing's Shop
movies Stepping Softly on the Earth and Beyond Fordlandia, two documentaries by Marcos Colón Elías Villoro
politics The Malcolm Effect podcast covers political thought, social movement history, pop culture, Black philosophy, and theory Elías Villoro
human rights No Más Bebés: a documentary about forced sterilizations of women of color in California Elías Villoro
History Exclusive interview with Matt LaCroix and Kaedrich Olsen about Gaia's Ancient Civilizations fourth season Devin Nealy
enslavement Stolen Relations: recovering stories of indigenous enslavement in the Americas A.E. Gómez
consumerism Purse towers are shelves filled with containers that folks use to organize anything they might put into a purse Jennifer Sandlin
mdma The time a US defense contractor turned on Soviet military scientists to MDMA to lubricate the nuclear peace process David Pescovitz