capitalism "Discard Studies" argues that "social, political, and economic systems maintain power by discarding certain people, places, and things" Jennifer Sandlin
capitalism "Wastiary: A Bestiary of Waste" is a free ebook of critical essays and artwork about capitalism and consumerism Jennifer Sandlin
elon musk RFK Jr says Bill Gates is planning to turn us into "enslaved consumers" with "biometric sub-dermal sensor system" implants Mark Frauenfelder
mistakes Judge says Walmart and CVS must face lawsuit for placing homeopathic nostrums with actual medicines Rob Beschizza
consumerism Purse towers are shelves filled with containers that folks use to organize anything they might put into a purse Jennifer Sandlin
healthcare The worst thing about Theranos wasn't the hinky blood testing machines or the alleged fraud Rob Beschizza
gift guide Kickstarting "The Decline of Mall Civilization," a sequel to the long-out-of-print "Malls Across America" book Cory Doctorow