Business Americans pay some of the highest prices for wireless data in the world, and it's going to get worse Cory Doctorow
usausausa FCC Chairman Pai's former employer, Verizon, lied about coverage, and then Pai tried to bury the news Cory Doctorow
trumpism Trump's Acting Attorney General was an active participant in a scam company that marketed "masculine toilets" Cory Doctorow
Business Wells Fargo: We can't be sued for lying to shareholders because it was obvious we were lying Cory Doctorow
late stage capitalism The paradox of good government: the best stuff works well and is thus unnoticeable (and therefore easy to sell off) Cory Doctorow
trump A hard-sell con that cleaned out its desperate victims: behind the $25,000,000 Trump University settlement Cory Doctorow
Ripoffs Ridiculously expensive disposable razors are a betrayal of Gillette's original socialist principles Rob Beschizza
Business Fantasy accounting: how the biggest companies in America turn real losses into paper profits Cory Doctorow
Business Red Queen's Race: Disney parks are rolling out surge pricing with 20% premiums on busy days Cory Doctorow
Business Class action against PublishAmerica; claims the business is a ripoff for would-be writers Cory Doctorow
Business Writer: "my publisher said I could only get the rights to my out-of-print book back if I bought their leftover copies from them" Cory Doctorow
crime Matt Taibbi: Senior SEC investigators order routine destruction of records, promote "self policing," take jobs with the companies they "investigate" Cory Doctorow