con artists Scammer poses as MSNBC's Ari Melber, cons former Boeing employee out of $20,000 (so far) Carla Sinclair
Technology Explainer: Hawk Tuah Girl's crypto token crashes, wiping out $500 million in 24 hours Ellsworth Toohey
crime YouTubers attacked by Paris scammers after exposing rigged cups and ball game (video) Mark Frauenfelder
politics Maybe Parliament's honeytrap scandal shows Westminster has simply fallen below the ambient stupidity threshold where that sort of scam thrives Rob Beschizza
scams Undercover video exposes massive "Pig Butchering" romance scam center in Dubai Mark Frauenfelder
fraudsters Cringe at this montage of Donald Trump peddling his many failed products (video) Carla Sinclair
psychology Financial columnist shares how she was scammed out of $50,000 by fake CIA agent Mark Frauenfelder