Copyfight Make the internet better by empowering users, not by demanding that platforms implement automated filters Cory Doctorow
article 13 Competition can fix Big Tech, but only if we don't make "bigness" a legal requirement Cory Doctorow
gwot Big Tech is deleting evidence needed to prosecute war crimes, and governments want them to do more of it Cory Doctorow
uk The Chinafication of the internet continues as the UK proposes blocking any service that hosts "illegal" or "harmful" material Cory Doctorow
net neutrality House Republicans propose poisoning Net Neutrality bill with Article-13-like liability Cory Doctorow
Sex Facebook won't accept ads for Hump, Dan Savage's delightful homebrew porno film-festival Cory Doctorow
web theory The upside of big tech is Russia vs Telegram, but the downside is Cloudflare vs SESTA Cory Doctorow
native americans Idaho senator from Illinois screams at Native American from Idaho: "go back where you came from" Ellsworth Toohey
crime "Officer, you don't want to do that." — Idaho mom arrested for COVID-19 'Playdate Protest' Xeni Jardin
happy mutants Coming soon to a city near you: HUMP, Dan Savage's amateur smut fest, banned from Facebook! Cory Doctorow
machine learning Announcement of Tumblr's sale to WordPress classified as pornography by Tumblr's notorious "adult content" filter Cory Doctorow
competition "I Shouldn't Have to Publish This in The New York Times": my op-ed from the future Cory Doctorow
Science Frankenswine: Pig brains partly revived by scientists 4 hours after pigs were killed Xeni Jardin