3-D scanned images OpenVertebrate is a massive database of 3-D scanned images of 13,000 (and counting!) vertebrate specimens Jennifer Sandlin
ecological entomology Plastics are entangling ants and other insects, according to new study Carla Sinclair
Science Study finds that many primates engage in same-sex behavior, to reduce social conflict Ruben Bolling
climate change Scientists release hundreds of thousands of crabs in Florida to protect coral reefs Thom Dunn
education This young zoologist wants to educate you about weird organisms, prehistoric creatures, evolution, and more Jennifer Sandlin
sea creatures This carnivorous sea slug with a gooey, trap-like mouth looks like it arrived from a distant galaxy Mark Frauenfelder
absolute units Why is this salamander called a "hellbender?" You might regret knowing the answer Jennifer Sandlin