media brands CEO and others fired in corporate "bloodbath" after Sports Illustrated publishes drivelous AI-generated content Rob Beschizza
Kurt Vonnegut Kurt Vonnegut's 2006 advice to high schoolers who wrote him: 'Make your soul grow' Rusty Blazenhoff
Drew Friedman It's Kurt Vonnegut's 100th birthday! Check out Drew Friedman's lovely portrait Mark Frauenfelder
music Watch a very strange video of Suzanne Vega performing "Tom's Diner" in the metaverse David Pescovitz
law Bill from Missouri's Rep Ben Baker threatens librarians with prison sentences for allowing minors to read books banned by town committees Cory Doctorow
books Why Do Birds: Damon Knight's amazing, underappreciated science fiction novel about putting all of humanity in a box Cory Doctorow
books Animated interviews with "futurists" Ayn Rand, Kurt Vonnegut, and Aldous Huxley David Pescovitz