Kamila Grabska, 36, sued an insurance company over disabling injuries she said made her unable to work for more than five years. But Grabska's claim was undermined when it emerged she had won a Christmas tree-throwing competition after filing it. Accordingly, the court has denied it.
"It is a very large, natural Christmas tree and it is being thrown by her in a very agile movement," the judge was reported as saying in court by the Irish Independent newspaper.
"I'm afraid I cannot but conclude the claims were entirely exaggerated. On that basis, I propose to dismiss the claim."
The court had previously been told that the married mother-of-two, from Ennis in Co Clare, had spoken to doctors days after winning the Christmas tree-throwing contest.
She had claimed that she could no longer lift a heavy bag without suffering a shooting pain. Grabska quit her job and received disability payments, the court heard.
Disability making it legally risky to engage in any physical activity, on risk of losing benefits or claims, is more insidious than fraudulent claims. Entering into and winning a Christmas tree-throwing competition, though, after claiming an inability to lift and move heavy things, well, it makes it easy for them.
Previously: Stag beetle throws girlfriend out of tree