Watch as Lauren Boebert falls apart in a debate (video)

When asked about her hands-on theater going, Colorado's scurrying from district-to-district Congressperson Lauren Boebert spun out of control.

Acknowledging that the intoxicated and amorous theatergoer had lodged an apology for her actions, debate host Channel 9's Kyle Clark asked Boebert to pinpoint to whom and for what she had apologized. Was it the theater workers she disrespected or the voters she lied to? Lauren spins and spins. I love the moment when Clark tells her he's moving on as she chooses not to answer.

"Did you apologize for lying to voters about what you did that night and the disrespect you showed to service workers," he asked. "What specifically were you apologizing for?"

"There's a video of your interactions with service workers," Clark reminded her .

"Well, it has been reported that I flipped someone off and I did not," Boebert shot back. "I think it has been very mischaracterized. I'm apologizing for you, Kyle Clark, for getting video and releasing that and people seeing it in a very private moment."


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