Judge tosses Roy Moore's $95M lawsuit against Sacha Baron Cohen

Before we discuss Roy Moore's most recent ignominious defeat, let's recap just a few of the conservative hero's string of disgraceful failures:

  • "was removed from his position in November 2003 by the Alabama Court of the Judiciary for refusing a federal court's order to remove a marble monument of the Ten Commandments that he had placed in the rotunda of the Alabama Judicial Building."
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Roy Moore sues Sacha Baron Cohen over "pedophile detector" stunt

Sacha Baron Cohen, in character as an overbearing Israeli antiterrorism expert, scanned Republican politician Roy Moore with a "pedophile detector" during a comical interview shot for his series Who Is America? Moore, who was accused of molesting teenage girls and was once reportedly banned from an Alabama mall for doing so in public, is now suing the British comedian over the fake gadget, which beeped loudly in proximity to the disgraced judge. — Read the rest

Republican Roy Moore files lawsuit to block Alabama senate result (Update: fail)

Roy Moore, a Republican of such unusually disgusting character that he lost Alabama to a Democrat, is not taking defeat well. He's filed a lawsuit to prevent the state's election board from certifying Doug Jones' victory.

Moore's attorney wrote in the wide-ranging complaint that he believed there were irregularities during the election, including that voters may have been brought in from other states.

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Roy Moore continues to defy reality

After losing the Alabama special senate election two days ago, Roy Moore remains stuck in the Denial stage of the Kubler-Ross Model of Grief. In a cartoonishly self-important video statement released this morning, Moore's eyes unwaveringly tracked a teleprompter while he recited, "We are indeed in a struggle to preserve our republic, our civilization, and our religion, and to set free a suffering humanity. — Read the rest

Loser Roy Moore refuses to concede

Infamous child predator Roy Moore says only God is going to declare the real winner of last night's election, so Moore's not about to listen to a bunch of sinful people with their newfangled vote tallying gizmos tell him otherwise.

Even wannabe demagogues like Mike Huckabee are telling Moore to stop being so cringeworthy:

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Roy Moore's wife: we aren't anti-semites — "one of our attorneys is a Jew"

Alabama Republican Senate candidate Roy Moore has been accused of many things — sexually assaulting girls, racism, sexism, and antisemitism. On that last point, earlier this month Moore said George Soros, who is Jewish, is headed for hell because he doesn't worship the right deity:

"He's still going to the same place that people who don't recognize God and morality and accept his salvation are going.

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Child molester Roy Moore said he wants to repeal all Constitutional amendments after the first ten, which would revive slavery and end votes for women and black people

Roy Moore, who has been thoroughly endorsed by Donald Trump, said in 2011 that the US government would "solve many problems" by ridding itself of every Constitutional amendment after the first ten — a list that included the 13th Amendment (which ended slavery), the 14th (which gave citizenship to former enslaved people); the 15th (which gave the vote to black men) and the 19th (which extended voting to women).